South African Meat Tastes Like Ass

28/02/2013 13:21

It seems as though there is always something that sends South Africans into utter uproar and disarray of late. Perhaps we are in an unlucky era or year. 2013 is the year of the snake (Although it would be more fitting if it were the year of the donkey) Stupid snake, skulking its way around 2013 so early in the year and making it hell for us. Interestingly, next year is the year of the horse, so the British scandal was a year too early with their meaty shenanigans.

So to reiterate, 68% percent of South African meats have been found to contain products that are not indicated on the packaging. We have Donkey, Water Buffalo and Goat on the list of “forbidden meats” so far. There could also be others that we are not aware of - who knows. What we need to realize, though, is that this scandal is nothing new. Things like this have been going on since the beginning of time (Just a slight exaggeration) I know of people who grew up on garage pies as young children, and later found out that they had actually been eating cat and dog, in meat scandals.

There are people in the world who willingly eat dogs, cats and (gasp) baby fetuses, literally served on a plate, whole, in restaurants. For them, this is normal meat like beef or chicken is to us. If some people eat these domestic animals (and human beings) then what is so different or special about a donkey from a cow? Or why is it so absurd to eat a pig, but eating a water buffalo is ghastly, ungodly and horrifying? Naturally, anything new or unheard of before comes as a shock. But all animals, theoretically, have the same feelings, nerve endings and emotions. A cow feels the same pain as a donkey does, etc etc.

The problem at hand is not so much the “strange” meat being consumed without our knowledge, but rather the fact that it is, indeed, without our knowledge. If the label on the meat package stated that we were about to consume a dirty cart-pulling mule, then it would be different. If we were used to it, it would be different. But this is not the case. The main issue is the deception and the lies, as opposed to what the product actually is. (Don’t get me wrong, if it were traces of baby found, then that would be a tad different) Comfortingly, there is no danger of the meat being dirtier or unsanitary in any way. It goes through the exact same process as beef or other meats. Its just, well, not beef or other meats.

What I would also like to know though, is why have these tests only been done now? It should be something that is performed on a regular basis, like going to the dentist (assuming most people do) as it is clear we cannot trust the people who provide us with our most basic necessity to survive, to tell us the truth.

So concluding with this meaty disaster, most people have already got the puking over and done with, and many have officially become vegetarians. Red meat sales in the UK especially have plummeted following the horse meat scandal.

What is YOUR opinion on this matter at hand? Be sure to comment on my article with your thoughts, or add a bit more meat to the story…And let me know if you agree with me, Ye or neigh…(Sorry, couldn’t resist)

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